
Dr. Itamar Offer
Founder and Co-Chair of WHAHC, Israel

Prof. Bruce Allen Leff
Co-Chair of WHAHC
Director, The Center for Transformative Geriatric Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Prof. Michael Montalto
Co-Chair of WHAHCSenior Medical Consultant, Epworth Hospital in the Home
Director, Aged Care Imaging Mobile XRay Service, Australia

Dr. Vittoria Tibaldi
Co-Chair of WHAHC
Head, Section of Geriatrics, AO S. Croce e Carle Hospital of Cuneo, Italy

Prof. Manuel Mirón-Rubio
Co-Chair of WHAHC
President of the Spanish Society of Hospital at Home Head of the Home Hospitalization Service, Torrejón University Hospital, Spain